First published in December 2004, comprising of two A4 size hardback, full colour books together with a unique fold-out area map of Yamakoshi and a full length DVD covering all the Nishikigoi breeders within that area.
It is produced in both the Standard Version and the ‘De-Luxe Signed-and-Numbered Limited Edition’ which is restricted to 500 copies only.

Koi2Kichi - Complete De-Luxe Version

Koi2Kichi - Complete Standard Version
The Standard Version is as shown with two hardback books, a sturdy slip-case, the map and the DVD. It is available at £59.95 plus £10.50 UK p+p – total £70.45.
The Limited Edition has all of the standard signed and numbered version together with metal-laminated covers and a lavish, purpose-made metal case to hold the books snugly inside. A true one-off collectors item. This is available now at £150.00 plus £15.00 UK p+p – total £165.00 for next day delivery – the original price was £225.00. Limited stocks.
Book One – ‘The Path to Understanding’ or ‘From Mistake to Mystique’, 312 pages.
This book covers everything Nishikigoi from their humble beginnings to the incredible tategoi produced today. It also covers every aspect that surrounds the overall hobby of keeping Koi which ranges from pond and filter design/construction, landscaping, water management, parasitic/bacterial problems and remedies, vital accessories, Koi shows and tategoi. In short, it encompassess ‘Everything Nishikigoi’ in great detail.
Book Two – ‘The Path to Yamakoshi’ or ‘The Highways and the Byways’, 259 pages inclusive of the fold-out area map of Yamakoshi and the DVD.
This book covers the Nishikigoi producers of Niigata in fine detail and also gives four separate tours throughout Yamakoshi which are fully complimented by the totally unique fold-out area map, the equally unique village maps and the excellent, professional DVD covering, in fine detail, all the same four tours.
Waddy’s Description:-
This is, without question, the most lavish presentation EVER to be produced on all aspects of Nishikigoi and no expense has been spared in finishing the package to true perfection. It is a very real collectors item for serious Nishikigoi followers as well as a production containing many pages of vital information for all enthusiasts.
Also, because of the significant expense required to re-print this set of books in the future is no longer an economical proposition and so my existing stocks of this production will be, unfortunately, the last available.
Footnote regarding ‘K2K’ – whilst the Limited Edition is only sold in one complete format as shown, the Standard Version and all component parts can be purchased separately as follows:-
Standard Book minus slipcase – £54.95 plus £10.00 UK p+p – total £64.95
Book One only – ‘The Path to Understanding’ price £28.00 plus £7.50 UK p+p – total £35.50
Book Two – ‘The Path to Yamakoshi’ (inc. Map and DVD) price £35.00 plus £7.50 UK p+p – total £42.50
DVD only – price £12.50 plus £0.75 UK p+p – total £13.25
Options – all prices include postage
K2K – Complete £70.45
K2K – No Slip Case £64.95
K2K – Book 1 £35.50
K2K – Book 2 £42.50
DVD – £13.25
Map – £10.25
K2K – Limited £165.00
* For those outside of the UK wishing to purchase please email for delivery costs.